
网安周讲堂:Authorized Keyword Searches on Public Key Encrypted Data With Time Controlled Keyword Privacy

报告题目:Authorized Keyword Searches on Public Key Encrypted Data With Time Controlled Keyword Privacy

报告人:徐玲玲 副教授 (华南理工大学 计算机科学与工程学院)

时间:2021年11月05日(周五) 下午 15:00 - 16:00

地点:网络空间安全学院410会议室  腾讯会议ID:511 247 657


徐玲玲,华南理工大学计算机科学与工程学院副教授,硕士生导师。广东省商用密码协会理事,中国密码学会会员。长期从事信息安全与密码学研究,包括安全多方计算、云计算与大数据安全和隐私保护技术等方向的研究。发表高水平学术论文40余篇,包括IEEE Transactions系列期刊论文。主持和参与多项国家及省部级项目,同时担任多个国际期刊审稿人及国际会议程序委员。


In a secure searchable encryption scheme, it is required that the keyword in each query should not be revealed. So it becomes challenging to analyze the query frequency of keywords in an encrypted database which has the pressing need of optimization. In this paper, we first consider this problem and present an efficient solution to it which enables the query frequency analysis of keywords without destroying the privacy of the encrypted data and the identity privacy of data users. We also simulate our solution and show that it is practical to the real applications.
